Sunday, April 28, 2013

Jellybean Math Day! 

We welcomed our families into our classroom on Wednesday, April 24th for our Jellybean Math Day!  It was a fantastic morning, and the boys and girls loved having a family member help with their Jellybean Math booklets, graphing and jellybean hunt!

Jellybean Sorting

Jellybean Graphing

My Favourite Colour of Jellybean - Class Graph

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Triop Kit - Cover of the Box
 Our Triop Tank
One of our students brought a Triop growing kit to school for us to observe.  Kingsley shared information about the triops, and the children were able to watch us put the eggs in the water.  We hope that we have triops swimming in the tank soon. (just like on the box cover)  So far, seven of the eggs have hatched and dropped some fuzzy balls onto the sand.  We will be sure to post updated photos if any of the triops begin to swim next week! 

Bottle Cap Graphing
We have been reviewing data management recently in our classroom.  We have been working our way through a few paper/pencil graphing activities.  It was wonderful to see Brendan and Gabrielle transfer their knowledge about graphing to our math tub time!  They created this bottle cap graph on the carpet during math exploration time.  The children were very excited to be able to interpret the data on this graph, and I know many of the boys and girls will be inspired to create their own hands-on graph next week!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Addition Math Centres
 Button Additon Mats

 Bingo Train Addition
 Addition/Subtraction Board Game
 Fairytale Addition
Dice Addition
Our class enjoyed exploring and learning about addition through our five math centres.  The opportunity to practice with hands-on material is valuable as we study new concepts.  The addition/subtraction board game was so popular that I have moved it to our math table.  We had four students choose to play it again this afternoon during free choice centre time.  I love to see our students engaged in math!  Learning is fun in Kindergarten!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Healthy Habits
Healthy Eating

As part of our health curriculum, we are learning about healthy eating habits.  We have learned about the food pyramid, and the six nutrients.  Our students are encouraged to bring a healthy snack for morning snack.  We save sugary snacks until the afternoon.  Thanks for your cooperation.

Morning Message
We have been focusing on our Five Star Writing system each morning during the morning message time.  I have been forgetting one of the five stars each morning.  The students have to read, think and find the errors in my message.  The students and I "share the pen" to correct the errors.  The photo above shows the corrections made on the day that I "forgot" to use upper and lower case letters properly in my writing.  The next day, I failed to put punctuation at the end of my sentences.  We have some wonderful editors in our classroom!  Please continue to practice the Five Stars Writing at home with your son or daughter.  Thank you for your assistance!