Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Germs Experiment
Our recording page - awaiting the results of our experiment.

This piece of bread was handled with tongs - never touched by fingers.

This piece of bread was passed around our class, with every student taking a turn to hold it.  We had wiped our hands with paper towels, and we assumed our hands were clean.  We are waiting and watching to see what happens to both pieces of bread.  Currently, the bread is put in a dark cupboard.  We check on this experiment each school day.  I will update this post as soon as there is something to report.  Be patient.
The "touched" bread turned very, very moldy.  We learned a valuable lesson about the need to hand washing throughout our day!

Roots Grow Down
Science Experiment
Our recording page for the experiment

Our plant from above - the leaves are getting bigger and bigger.

The roots are growing down!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Oil and Water
Each student in our class had the opportunity to mix the oil and water together.  We had 23 scientists stir and mix, but the children learned that oil and water will not mix.  On their recording page, the children had to circle the picture that showed the result of our experiment.

Weird Water Science Experiment
On Friday, we experimented with water in an experiment entitled, "Weird Water."  We filled a glass to the very top, and then asked the students how many more drops of water could we add to the glass.  The children recorded a prediction.  We had guesses from 1 to 90 drops.  It actually took 326 drops of water, and the children were amazed when the water ballooned over the rim of the cup.

Patterning Practice
Our students have recently participated in a mini- unit review of patterning.  We worked our way through two booklets - one for Junior Kindergarten students and one for Senior Kindergarten students.  The boys and girls also were assessed using circle and square stickers to create and extend simple and complex patterns.  The final piece of our unit on patterning was to use the materials in our math tubs to create patterns.  I photographed many of the patterns to post on our blog.


Domino Pattern - ABAB

Blue - Red - Blue - Red


Gear Patterns - ABC and ABAB




Magnetic Shape Patterns




Peg Board Patterning



Circle - Square - Circle - Square


Large - Medium - Small

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

We Went Walking
Our class went walking today!  We walked first inside the school, and then outside the school.  As we walked, the students looked for things to add to our class book.  When they found something, the students raised their hands.  We took a photo with our class camera, and recorded the item on a post it note.  The students were encouraged to find an item that had not been selected by a classmate.  When we returned to our classroom, students added their post it note to the story writing page.  The photos were printed, added to the paper, and then the students drew their own picture.  I have included the photos here for you to see. 
We Went Walking
We went walking.  What do you see?  We saw...
an umbrella

 a tree
 a tulip
 a rainbow

a star
 buds on a tree
 a tulip
 a  map of the world
 a wagon
 an airplane (look closely)
 a bike
 a basketball net

 the school
 a sandbox
 a flag
 a bird (again, look closely)
 a bush
 a water meter