Sunday, December 14, 2014

All About Evergreens
Our science/discovery table has been transformed into an Evergreen study centre.  We are learning about evergreen trees.  When students visit this table during Learning Centre time, they are able to examine three different evergreen branches.  They can also read through a science reference book, and then students are encouraged to record their observations about evergreens using the observation worksheet.

Our Family Tree

We have finally created our family tree!  The students are so excited to be able to see their families, and share information about their families with their friends each day.  The family tree hangs in our cubby area, so the students are able to see the photos during transition times.  We are also conferencing with each child to write about their families.  You can look for the Family class book to be published in the New Year!  If your family did not send in a family photo, please send one to school with your child.  We would be happy to add to our tree!

Our Wishing Tree
Our class changed our Remembrance Tree to A Wishing Tree.  Our students were encouraged to "wish" for something that would bring happiness to others.  We discussed that often we wish only for things for ourselves, but it's also important to wish for good things for others.  The boys and girls made wonderful wishes!